For some reason there is still doubt out there in computerland that an integrated graphics chipset can output high definition video in all its full 1080P glory.
To make things easier for customers to be certain that maximum sofa-based bliss can be theirs - we will be labeling PC’s with this flashy new logo:
If you see the logo, you can be sure that buying the box it is stuck on guarantees you a ticket to high-def heaven - somewhere I go quite often at home with my G965 based Media Centre PC.
I spoke to Intel’s Stephanie Grisafi about an HD demo at the recent CES show
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"Intel HD Video" using Intel integrated graphics and cool looking home PC's.
posted by Nick Knupffer on January 11, 2008
I have already blogged about gaming on Intel integrated graphics, but what about video?
For some reason there is still doubt out there in computerland that an integrated graphics chipset can output high definition video in all its full 1080P glory.
To make things easier for customers to be certain that maximum sofa-based bliss can be theirs - we will be labeling PC’s with this flashy new logo:
If you see the logo, you can be sure that buying the box it is stuck on guarantees you a ticket to high-def heaven - somewhere I go quite often at home with my G965 based Media Centre PC.
I spoke to Intel’s Stephanie Grisafi about an HD demo at the recent CES show:
Full 1080P support is available for the Intel G965, G33, G35 and future chipsets - expect to see the logos adorning boxes in your favourite computer shop soon.
However, if you want to enjoy the bazillion pixels that HD affords in your living room - you will need to get a pretty enough PC as well (my wife banished my 1st Media Centre PC from the living room).
Ivonne Perrig tells us all about the latest advances in this field - from pretty boxes to power efficiency and recyclable computers in the following video:
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